Big Dogs | Saint Francis Service Dogs


Membership in this leadership group is reserved for those who give generously to Saint Francis Service Dog’s vital Prison Pup Program.

The BIG DOGS Prison Pup Partners are essential to help sustain the operations of our Prison Pup Program, a program that is critical to our mission to help children and adults with disabilities become more independent and self-sufficient through partnership with a professionally trained service dog.

A Thriving Program
In addition to helping Saint Francis Service Dogs and the people we serve, the program has extraordinary benefits to the inmates and the prison, as well as the broader community.
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What We Need
With over 170 people waiting for the assistance and support of a Saint Francis Service Dog, we have a critical need to raise and train more dogs. By becoming a Big Dog, you will help us meet this goal.
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How You Can Help
Contact Cabell Youell, Executive Director, for more information on how you can support this crucial initiative and become a BIG DOG.
Contact Cabell
A Thriving Program
In addition to helping Saint Francis Service Dogs and the people we serve, the program has extraordinary benefits to the inmates and the prison, as well as the broader community.
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What We Need
With over 170 people waiting for the assistance and support of a Saint Francis Service Dog, we have a critical need to raise and train more dogs. By becoming a Big Dog, you will help us meet this goal.
Learn More
How You Can Help
Contact Cabell Youell, Executive Director, for more information on how you can support this crucial initiative and become a BIG DOG.
Contact Cabell
A Thriving Program
In addition to helping Saint Francis Service Dogs and the people we serve, the program has extraordinary benefits to the inmates and the prison, as well as the broader community.
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What We Need
With over 170 people waiting for the assistance and support of a Saint Francis Service Dog, we have a critical need to raise and train more dogs. By becoming a Big Dog, you will help us meet this goal.
Learn More
How You Can Help
Contact Cabell Youell, Executive Director, for more information on how you can support this crucial initiative and become a BIG DOG.
Contact Cabell

The Saint Francis Big Dogs

Mr. and Mrs. Jake Allison
Kenneth “Andy” Anderson and Dr. Marti Anderson
Mike and Carol Anderson
Dr. Tim Andriano
Peggy Bizjak
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brunette
Mr. and Mrs. Sam and Sally Craver
Jo Lynn Draper
Duffy Family Foundation
Mr. Peter Emch
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Finkler
First Four Petroleum LLC
Linda and Frank Foti
Foti, Flynn, Lowen & Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Foti
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Frantz
Mr. Ed Hall


Happy Endings Bar and Grill
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Milward
Ms. Mary Anne Mullins and Mr. Christopher Robinson
Ms. Yvonne Olson
Mr. and Mrs. John Olver
Ms. Elizabeth Parsons
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Petrine
Mrs. Emily Reynolds
Mike and Krista Sinnott
Mrs. Joy Davis Smith
Mr. Marvin Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Strauss
Mr. Maury Strauss Jr.
Suzanne Thorniley
Varsity Landscaping and Grounds
Karen and Chuck Wakeford
Mr. and Mrs. Barton Wilner
Mr. and Mrs. Reggie and Ann Marie Wood
Ms. Dianne Woody

For more information about Big Dogs or how to become a Big Dog, contact Cabell Youell, or call 540-342-3647×409